Saturday 29 March 2014

Twitter Goodies - Incredible Connection #Selfie Contest

Hi Guys,

I have been in South Africa since Nov 2013 and was really missing all the competitions and winnings that I used to do in India, so I thought of trying out the Twitter space here. I started following various brands and companies I was aware of and came across @IncConnection . It's a electronic retail store here and is always active on social media space. They launched a contest on the occasion of Valentine's week to send them selfies with the people you love. My selfie with my daughter fetched me "ON THE SPOT" Award and I received these awesome goodies. A Flexible LED Light for laptops and an Ouann multimedia headset with microphones. 

Flexible LED was in my wish list from many a days so I felt really great to receive the same.But as you know, I love headphones and these ones are not that great of the likes of Sennheiser or Sony or Skull Candy that I have already in my kitty.

It was my first win here in South Africa and I really thank Incredible Connection for the same. 
