Saturday 16 June 2018

4 Days To 5th Birthday Celebrations #5YearsofTheLifesWay #27Dec2017 #Reality #1505Post

Hi Friends, 

It's just 4 days away from my blog's 5th birthday but in reality, it's almost more than 6 months down the line when I am still working on this series of posts. Life is not always that easy and goes as per the plans you make. Also, you can't meet your deadlines when it's not paying you for the food on the table. You will complete all your tasks assigned to your job when you know that unless you do the same, you won't be able to pay your home EMI, car EMI and many another day to day expenses to carry your life and living and other responsibilities. 

The Life's Way started with the same kind of dedication as my job but as the time went by, I am getting sucked more out by the brands without any benefits. I don't want any memory sticks and pens but then if they are not offering anything, I have to take whatever they are offering in enough quantity so that I can donate the same to some kids or people. And some of the brands who offers me some stuff are getting missed out by these other big brands which take most of the time without any personal benefits. Now it's my wisdom and experience to understand which brands suit me and which doesn't. With whom I should work and with whom it's time to say Good Bye! 

4 Days To 5th Birthday Celebrations #5YearsofTheLifesWay #27Dec2017 #Reality
The wisdom sometimes takes a lifetime to come and by that time, the PR companies change, the people change and brands strategy change too. Nothing is consistent as much as the change in this industry, so you have to have some solid information and sensors to attune them to your benefits. I too need to develop that kind of information channels and data analysis into my life or the life of this blog. It is a lot of effort to work out posts and align all your social media channels to your strategy. 

My Dell XPS L501X laptop is now its end of life. I bought the same long back in 2011 in London and it has been my only source of entertainment. The Life's Way was born on this laptop and now it's time to pass on the legacy to the next one. I miss the backlit keyboard on this one, DVD drive has stopped working since last 2-3 years, battery life is around 20 minutes on the replacement battery too which I bought from Fordsburg, Johannesburg and the hard disk can crash anytime. Though luckily it's been consistent and I am the only one who uses this laptop at my home so it is working till date but I am not able to work fast as the speed has been very very slow for my liking. 

I have asked several brands for the same but till this day no luck and no response I get also when I ask the PR companies the same. Suddenly, they go mute on the topic and when it's time they have to show the impressions etc they want me to post their releases where I was not invited too. Many of the events these days, I have to pay for my cold drink too as they are only offering wine or whiskey. That life of a blogger for you!

Contact me at to collaborate on paid/sponsored campaigns. #TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra!