Wednesday 7 August 2019

A Memoir - This Month Last Year - Aug 2018 #TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra

Hi Friends,

August is one of the best months of my life as my younger brother's birthday falls in this special month and I totally adored that all my life. I am very happy that he got what he worked for so long in his life till date and finally his company Dgraph is getting the respect and investment it deserved. Do check out the same and if you ready to work for the same, expect a 2-hour live interview with the coding on your screen with him. 

1. A Memoir - This Month Last Year - Aug 2017 #TheLifesWay - - The Life's Way is really something that has given me a perspective towards a great life. I have not been able to keep up to all the promises that remain unfulfilled till date but I intend to correct the same this year before 2020. That's the top agenda in my life at this point of time and with one post at a time, I will close all the loops. 
A Memoir - This Month Last Year - Aug 2018 #TheLifesWay
There were some 3 more posts for Huawei in Aug 2019 and here are the links to the same - 

@HuaweiZA Announces AI Cube with Alexa Built-In #ExperienceSmarter #HuaweiIFA2018 #IFABerlin #IFA18 -
@HuaweiZA Launches Kirin 980, the World’s First Commercial 7nm SoC #ExperienceSmarter #HuaweiIFA2018 #IFABerlin #IFA18 -
The @HuaweiZA P20 Now Available in Twilight #SeeMooore #HuaweiP20 -

I am using the Huawei P20 Pro and I totally love this phone but this is my last month with the same as my wife wants to use the same. I am still tagging them in all my social media posts and soon I intend to tag all the DSLR camera makers in my photographs. 

My second smartphone is Samsung Note 8 which I will continue to use as my primary phone from now onwards. I have been using the same since Jan 2018 and bought it from in India. 

I also plan to read Raavan book by Amish Tripathi this month of August 2019 by buying the same from Kindle store of Amazon India. 

Life goes on so fast that already 7 months have passed in 2019 and soon we will be looking at 2020. I don't want to go in 2020 with any pending tasks and unfulfilled promises. I will try to complete everything that was assigned to me, everything that I wanted to do and everything I love doing. Blogs, Youtube videos, and Instagram posts are going to see the surge now onwards till the end of the year and let's see where it takes me!

Contact me at or to collaborate on your products, events, and services. #TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra!