Wednesday 2 October 2013

An Android App a day - 23. Plants vs. Zombies

Hi Guys,

Another game that really have impressed me with it's simple single screen play is Plants vs. Zombies. Plants grow in this game using the Sunlight and you get more and more points added as you produce more and more sunlight using sunflowers or randomly falling from the Sun.

The first part of the game is available in Google play store at -

The second part of the game has been launched for the iOS platform long back but Android version of the same is still to be launched. Waiting for all the action and adventure for Android platform too. 

This is a strategy game where you plant many things in the garden space you have and need to wipe out all the zombie waves that comes visiting your garden. This is a game which really can be played when you have nothing else to do. 

The simple game play will be more interesting as you unlock more and more powerful plants to kill Zombies which also increases their powers with each level. The only problem I faced is the complete wipe out of all my levels data and I had to start once again from the first level.

App Rating - 3.5/5
