Monday 15 January 2018

17 Days To 5th Birthday Celebrations #5YearsofTheLifesWay #27Dec2017 #Patience

Hi Friends,

Though it's way beyond the 5th birthday of The Life's Way (27th December in 2017), as there was no internet connection available for more than a month, I could not do any of the blog posts for so long. Patience is a virtue which is definitely needed by all. I have waited long enough for everything in my life. Unless and until I deserved the same, I was never granted the same by the universe, but things changed with The Life's Way bringing great luck in my life. My first big win was a laptop from HP for a post which I wrote with all my heart. When my friends read it before I posted the same, they were cracking jokes about me but I knew that post has winner written all over as those were the songs I loved. 

The Life's Way has patiently waited for all the great things in life to come and pampered a lot of PR companies by posting for free and some has used the same to their advantages. It's ok to be getting used but once or twice they shall realize that we all need money to run the day to day business. If I am not getting sponsored posts and campaigns, I won't be doing free posts too. Even posting press releases takes a lot of time along with photos and captions and handles to be shared etc like I share. It takes me at least 1 hour per post even when all the content is written in the press release as you need to read it and then check for images and then post labels, twitter links, website URLs etc. I am sacrificing important parts of my life to post something on my social media channels so I need to get Return on my time in terms of money or kind. 
17 Days To 5th Birthday Celebrations #5YearsofTheLifesWay #27Dec2017 #Patience
But it's good in the end, once you realize that the other person is taking advantage of you and then you stop doing his/her work, then after a while they will realize the importance you bring to the table. I am waiting for those right moment patiently. Even if it happens in a long long time, it's fine by me and if it happens sooner that I will be happy. Also, another change is that I will stop asking for gadgets to be sponsored as I will buy what is the best in the market as compared to used/old/reviewed units sent to keep rather I will ask directly for money to be paid into my bank account. Why waste time on things I don't want in my life and spend my energy keeping them unused at my home?

16 Days                                                                                                                                      18 Days


Contact me at to collaborate on paid/sponsored campaigns. No FREE posts! #TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra! Check my influence and book me via