Sunday 18 August 2013

An Android App a day - 3. ZenHabits

Hi Guys,

I don't want to put the same apps which all the websites are flooded with because you all know them and all of them must have installed the same on your smartphones like Kindle and other apps. 

Zen Habits is one app if you love reading small blog posts on Meditation, living and walking with mindfulness, and other life inspiring articles.This is one of the blog I have been following since many years and this app has really helped me carry all the articles offline and I can read them whenever I feel like. 

The writer of the posts - Leo Babauta has really inspired me to live the life moment by moment. I really love to read everything what he writes and follow the same. 

This is really a great app as all the posts if you click twice will go into Already completed reading mode and all other remains in unread mode. This helps you to see which ones are still pending to be read. 

App Rating - 4.5/5 

Contact me for your product's review on twitter @araijain or @thelifesway or email -